Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Book Report on “Babouk”

Guy Endore tells the story of the drastic slave history through the eyes of an African – Babouk. He starts by focusing on the cargo of a French slaver during the late years of the eighteenth century. He explores the characteristics of a slave trade through his presentation of the ship and its primary quest. As the ship gets loaded with captured slave at Goree, readers are provided with the concept of how lowly did the early Americans view the African Negroes.The way in which they were â€Å"loaded† to the ship makes the thought of slavery dreadfully equated to the scene of hoarding tools and equipment that will soon be used to gain profits. In general, what makes the story terribly disturbing is the way by which one race maltreats the other because of their difference in color, race, and cultural structures. This was shown when the slaves were stricken with opthalmia during their long, tiring, and devastatingly miserable trip towards San Domingo.During the voyage to the enslaved land, those who failed to meet and satisfy the standards of â€Å"slave eligibility† because of the disabilities that they developed (such as the loss of the sense of sight) were disposed in an inhuman way- being thrown overboard to drown and die. As the slaves reach their unfortunate destination of lifelong enslavement, the story becomes much worse as the once free men take their roles as full-pledged slaves under the rule of â€Å"masters† who treat them disdainfully and without any sign of gratitude and appreciation. However, the drastic enslavement also brings about a positive effect on the part of the Haitians.The slavery drives them to fight. The pain of being treated appallingly and the feeling of being taken away from their home and families eventually evolved into an urge to fight and defend themselves. The slavery of their white fellows transformed them into revolutionaries which eventually became as harsh as they were. Unfortunately, the supposed e nlightenment of the slaves ended in their tragic death. Apathy yields indifference In the story of Babouk, readers were provided with a glimpse of how dreadful early Americans treated their potential slaves.In the story, they showed no signs of remorse in what they were doing. They failed to recognize that Africans like Babouk had the same rights and privileges that they enjoyed. They equated their potential slaves in the same way that they treat beasts of burden and tools for trade and profit. They showed no apathy and acted as if the indifference was a normal part of life and living. In effect, they instilled hatred in the heart of their slaves and they promoted the idea that a human being may treat their fellows in an inhuman way, for as long as they can delineate differences in their race and culture.They showed that violence was normal part of societal interaction and that â€Å"survival of the fittest† exists not only in the jungle. In response to this elaborate show of apathy, they harvested nothing but indifference from their revolutionist slaves. The most disturbing demonstration of this sadistic harvest is when Babouk threw a white child on the ground, struck a pike into its innocent and defenseless body, and used it as a banner. Reference: Endore, Guy (1934). â€Å"Babouk†. New York: Vanguard Press

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American Intercontinental University

Aspects of Psychology Unit 5 GP American InterContinental University March 11, 2012 Abstract This paper discusses the Erickson theory of human development. It includes a description of the different parts of the theory as well as TV characters that fit into the various life stages. There are also reviews of three different case studies done on different parts of the Erickson theory. Aspects of Psychology Unit 5 GP Erickson’s theory of life stages and development helps us understand how each of us develops throughout our lives.It explains theories starting from birth and continuing on into life. It helps us to understand why people respond the way they do when presented with certain stimuli or put in certain situations. It explains attributes and possible factors that contributed to developing those attributes in people whether they are good attributes or bad. Human development is a complex and ever changing thing and the better we can understand it the better we will be able t o respond to it and improve. Trust Vs Mistrust (birth – 2 years) starts with infancy until the age of two.If an infant grows knowing that he can trust a person because of them caring for his well being, attending to him and loving him, he will be full of happiness and very healthy. But if he doesn't gain a sense of trust because of being ignored or treated badly by his parents, he will show a lack of interest in things around him and he will also have poor health. (Erikson,E. 2010). A character that represents this stage of life is Stewie Griffin; Stewie has mistrust for his parents and everyone in general. He is always left to do whatever he wants with little input from his parents and his father is rarely home.He resolves conflict by demanding he gets what he wants and nothing less will do. Autonomy Vs Shame and Guilt (2-3 years) at this stage is when the toddlers reach toddler hood, and she will start to get into things to stimulate her mind. She will do this away from her parents. (Erikson,E. 2010). She will tend to wander off by herself more at this time in his life, but if there is shame and doubt she will do the opposite. She will feel less confident and will not go into places he doesn’t know on her own. Maggie Simpson is a character that represents this stage of life.She regularly wanders off and gets into things she is not supposed to. She also tries new things without her parents being there to supervise because she would rather do it herself. Initiate Vs Guilt (3-6 years) this is when she starts to do something and will not stop until it's done. On the other hand if there is guilt within her she will not look for challenges and will mostly likely not express who she is. (Erikson,E. 2010). A character that represents this stage of life is Lisa Simpson. Lisa is always striving to be the best; she has to get straight A’s in school or else she gets depressed and withdraws.She loves to play the saxophone despite her father being ann oyed by it and is always looking for a challenge. Industry Vs Inferiority (6-12 years) at this stage he has a sense of industry he will show much interest in his school work and the duties he has at home, and he will show a responsible attitude towards things. If he has a sense of inferiority the opposite type of behavior would be shown, because he will feel like he isn't capable of completing the given task. (Erikson,E. 2010). Bart Simpson is a character that fits this stage of life.He feels inferior and so he does things he knows are wrong on purpose because he believes if he tries to succeed in good things he will fail. When he does try he often gets discouraged before he can complete the task and reverts to destructive behavior. Identity vs Role Confusion (12-18 years) states that if he knows where he is going in life or at least he knows what he wants to be when he gets older he will tend to have a high level of self esteem. (Erikson,E. 2010). However if he has a sense of role confusion he will not have any long term goals with no sense of direction and suffer from low self esteem.Chris Griffin is in this stage of life. He suffering from role confusion and has no idea what he wants to do or even what he should do with his life. He even dressed up in women’s clothes at one point to see what it was like. He has a very low self esteem and lets himself be manipulated by others. Intimacy Vs Isolation (18 and on) at this point the stage of adulthood may be delayed until the adolescent is able to find himself. (Erikson,E. 2010). Even if the young adult is the adult age they may not reach adulthood until they are able to gather a sense of identity.If the adult has a sense of intimacy he will form close bonds with other people by making friends, and having romantic relationships with those of the opposite sex that sometimes leads into marriage. An adult with a sense of isolation will find it hard to make new friends and form relationship. (Erikson,E. 2010). They have a problem with understanding what a person may be thinking or feeling. They tend to spend most of their time alone and by themselves. Peter Griffin fits into this stage of life. Although he is grown and has a family he is still very immature and has not found himself.He has an easy time making friends and an easier time making a fool of himself. He often has to make stuff up to his wife because he has either misunderstood her or done something to embarrass her. Generativity Vs Self-Absorption (adult) is when an adult has a trait of generatively they are able to work productively which is built up over the years, and they may have a tendency of helping others. An adult with a sense of self- absorption is more self centered and care only of themselves. (Erikson,E. 2010). A character that fits into this stage is Homer Simpson.Although he sometimes does things to help others he is often very self centered and not interested in things that don’t directly benefit him. He regularly gets into trouble for doing things for his own benefit at the expense of others such as a auto dialer he set up to call everyone in town to ask them to send him a dollar. Integrity Vs Despair (old age) is when a person is content with dying, which means they can face death without being afraid and by having a peace of mind because they feel as if they have live a fulfilled life.A person with a trait of despair feels as if they wasted their life, and hasn't been able to do what all they wanted to do. (Erikson,E. 2010). Abe Simpson fits into this stage of life. He is content with what he has done throughout his life and is ready to go anytime. He often says â€Å"if God wants me God can have me. † He has served his country in war and lived a long and productive life. Erik Homburger Erikson said â€Å"It is human to have a long childhood; it is civilized to have an even longer childhood. Long childhood makes a technical and mental virtuoso out of man, but it also lea ves a life-long residue of immaturity in him†.He believed that the ego exists from birth and that behavior is not totally defensive. Erikson became aware of the massive influence of culture on behavior and placed more emphasis on the external world such as depression and wars (Intro to Psych, 2012). He organized life into eight stages from birth to death. His philosophy is based on two general themes. The world keeps getting bigger and failure is cumulative. We as humans have personality traits that have opposites. We think of ourselves as aggressive or passive, optimistic or pessimistic, a leader or a follower and independent or dependent for example.Many of these are inborn temperament traits, but other characteristics, such as feeling either inferior or competent appear to be learned, based on the experiences we have and how we are raised and the support we received growing up. A child who is not nurtured will more than likely not be a nurturing adult. A child who is shown a lot of love will probably show much love as an adult. In the study titled Reexamining Gender Issues in Erikson's Stages of Identity and Intimacy, it seems that there are biased opinions on the intimacy and identity stages of Erikson’s theory in relation to women.According to several feminist viewpoints, the developmental tasks affiliated with identity and intimacy is different in women than in men. Researchers agree that women develop these stages differently based on the importance of their relationships. Some researchers believe that Erikson’s depiction of the advancement from identity to intimacy holds a virile bias; focusing on separation from instead of connection to, others (Horst, 1995). C. Gilligan, an author from Harvard University, feels that Erikson’s theory regarding Identity and Intimacy do not correctly portray female development.She believes that those two theories are fused into one, because women develop their identity through the connections they have with others. Erikson does state that the cycle of identity and intimacy is different in women; the female identity lies dormant until she meets the man that she will marry, and whose status will define her. This theory does reflect on the fact that female development is affected by their relationships with other. Gilligan did not necessarily dispute this claim; the basis for her argument was that Erikson did not go into enough detail regarding women’s experiences in these stages of development.Several other authors and researchers agree with Gilligan’s assessment of Erikson’s theory, stating that he did not base his findings with regard to gender diversities (Horst, 1995). In this study, Elisabeth Horst evaluates these critiques, stating that they are based on a serious misinterpretation of Erikson’s Theory. I feel that Horst’s evaluation strengthens Erikson’s theory, specifically the Identity and Intimacy stages. She states that a t the time Erikson developed his theory; the life cycle theory, the epigenetic chart, and many findings on identity ere already developed and focused on masculine experience. His findings on gender differences came as an afterthought, or a modification to his original findings. Horst states that Erikson’s perception of women’s identity being found through marriage suggests that he opposes sexism, and proposes the female look at different perspectives in development. She feels that as long as people recognize sex differences, without them being overemphasized or underemphasized, development can flourish and role confusion can be eliminated.This is imperative in healthy development of identity and intimacy (Horst, 1995). I agree with Horst’s findings; Erikson does identify with sex differences to an extent, yet his theory is generalized to discuss basic theories of development. Having a sense of identity is to know where you are going in life and having goals to e nable us to have higher self esteem. Having a sense of intimacy is developing relationships and forming connections with others to allow us to fully establish our identity, and adapt to our emotions.Regardless of pointing out sex differences, these stages do address critical parts of development accurately, in both men and women. In this current on-going study of integrating Biological, Behavioral, and Social Levels of Analysis in Early Child Development they are conducting studies of child salivary cortisol in a controlled development. In doing this they are taking a biological look at the social and behavior differences and changes within the early stages of life proving the existence of chemical changes within the body according to cultural, social, or behavioral surroundings in everyday life.Within this study they are looking into the autonomy vs. shame and guilt stage or Erik Erickson's theory. Sethre-Hofstad, Stansbury, and Rice reported that in the context of a child's introd uction to a novel and / or a potentially challenging task, individual differences in maternal sensitivity predicted the degree of attunement in mother and child’s cortisol responsiveness (Granger, ; Kivlighan, 2003). These studies clearly illustrate that social forces moderate the expression of bio-behavioral relationships in children (Granger, ; Kivlighan, 2003).From a biological and chemical standpoint this strengthens Erik Erickson theory. The reason is besides being able to examine a child and study reactions and even the knowledge of the child which was passed from his mother or any other social parent there is also evidence within their cortisol showing differences in the subjects behavior or social patterns. If unsure of something or nervous of a situation he should not enter the levels are much lower than if the situation makes him relaxed which is brought on by his social life and what he has been around while with his parents.I agree with this study and am glad that it continues giving us insight to another form of tests to show differences in a child's social and even cultural background. Being able to do this test or study can tell a lot about a person individually and what habits and even surroundings they see at home. Several of Erikson's theories for human growth and development can be identified in the study that examines â€Å"Relationships Among Paternal Involvement and Young Children's Perceived Self-Competence and Behavioral Problems†.The study examines a child's behavior based on the involvement in their life from both parents which is stage 5 of Erikson's psychosocial. Identity vs. Confusion is actually a child's learning stage, which is the time that they began to develop a sense of self identity, it is also the time where they need proper encouragement and reinforcement because without it they could get confuse about the direction they would like to go (Cherry). The study concluded that the mothers who had high involvement from their children's fathers saw a more positive behavior in their children but the fathers indicated otherwise.The study also associated that the children with fathers that where highly involved showed an increase in feelings about being accepted by their parents, which plays a role in their self competence and self esteem (Rex E. Culp ; 5 Stephanie Schadle, 2000). This particular study actually strengthens Erickson's theories, because his study featured children at an early age which is considered their learning stage. This meant that they were developing self identity (Stage 5) which would cause a change in behaviors and it is also the time for proper guidance.Once the change in behavior was made they began to developed their identity which may cause them to act differently with one or both parents. That is the process that prepares them for the next stage (Cherry). I must say that I only agree with parts of the conclusion of the study itself. I agree that the feelings of being accepted are stronger with a child that is involved with both parents because they may feel that they have two sets of expectations to live up to and get confused about which direction to go in with a fear of disappointing one or both parents.This may also interfere with their ability to develop their self identity. I don't agree about the changes in behaviors being more positive with the mother than the father because even the study recorded that after spending more time with the child the father appeared frustrated. The father's behavior could've had an effect on the child's behavior or he could have stated that because of his experienced frustration.Either way I just see the father as having the more authoritative tone and demeanor so I think the child more responsive and generally better behaved than they would be with their mother, but my theory is only base on personal experience. These studies of the different life stages should help in deciding on appropriate advertizing fo r the family oriented theme park that will be affective for their target audience. It will allow them to cater to the different interests and ideas of people in the stages of life they are making the advertisements for.By knowing how people tick and what motivates them it makes the job of effective advertizing much easier. These studies help us to understand what is important to different people based largely on their stage in life. References Cherry, K. (n. d. ). About. com Psychology. Retrieved February 23, 2012, from About. com Psychology: http://psychology. about. com/od/branchesofpsycholog1/a/positive-psychology. htm Cherry, K. (2012). Psychosocial Stages-The Eight Psychosocial Stages. Retrieved from. http://psychology. about. com/od/psychosocialtheories/tp/psychosocial-stages. tm Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychological Development. (2010). Retrieved from. http://nursing-resource. com/erik-eriksons-stages-of-psychological-development/ Granger, D.. , & Kivlighan, K. (2003) . Integrating Biological, Behavioral, and Social Levels of Analysis in Early Child Development: Progress, Problems, and Prospects. Child Development, 74(4), 1058-1063. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Horst, E. A. (1995). Reexamining Gender Issues in Erikson's Stages of Identity and Intimacy. Retrieved on March 8, 2012 from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Communicating Effectively in Cross Cultural Communications Speech or Presentation

Communicating Effectively in Cross Cultural Communications - Speech or Presentation Example 2. Perceptions of effective communication differ among individuals with different cultural backgrounds. Tominaga et al. (2003) investigated perceptions of effective communication in the United States and Japan. Their qualitative research found differing themes for the perception of effectiveness in the United States and Japan. Conclusion In general, researchers accept and utilize the notion that competence involves dimensions of effectiveness and appropriateness such as interpersonal skills, knowledge and motivation. However, several Japanese researchers point out that there is a Western bias in competence research. Their research found differing themes for the perception of effectiveness in the United States and Japan Communicating Effectively in Cross Cultural Communications Introduction Effectiveness in communication is considered as an important component of communication competence (e.g., Gudykunst, 1993). Competent communicators make use of interpersonal skills, knowledge and m otivation. However, individuals' cultural backgrounds influence the ways they communicate and their perceptions of competence (Gudykunst, 1993). Perceptions of effective communication also differ among individuals with different cultural backgrounds. ... ssfully accomplish his [or her] own interpersonal goals†¦ while maintaining the face and line of his [or her] fellow interactants within the constraints of the situation" (p. 198). He (1977) proposes two underlying assumptions of competence: cognition and judgment. Each individual possesses cognitive notions about the nature of competence, and it is these cognitive notions that shape impressions of others' behavior (Wiemann, 1977). Moreover, these impressions become a basis for judgment of others and the individuals themselves. In other words, whether an individual is a competent communicator is based on his or her cognition of competence. Spitzberg and Cupach (2002) suggest that competent communicators provide definitions of competent communication. Competent communicators make use of interpersonal skills, knowledge and motivation. Interpersonal skills refer to recurrent goal-oriented behaviors, behavioral patterns, and sequences of behavior that are appropriate to an interacti onal context. There are two types of knowledge: content knowledge and procedural knowledge (Spitzberg & Cupach, 2002). Content knowledge refers to information about relational partners, topics of conversation, social contexts, regulation of language, and regulation of conversation (Spitzberg & Cupach, 2002). Procedural knowledge refers to information on processes of an interaction, such as how to formulate goals and how to solve problems during an interaction. Motivation is defined as "the affective force that energizes performance and guides a person's approach avoidance orientation to a social situation" (Spitzberg & Cupach, 2002, p. 575). Interpersonal skills, knowledge and motivation play an important role in that these three concepts contribute to developing competent communication

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Texas' war for independence from Mexico and the Guadalupe Treaty Essay

Texas' war for independence from Mexico and the Guadalupe Treaty - Essay Example These expansionist policies were a reflection of aggression on the side of the United States’ administration and can only be considered to have propagated unfairness and injustice on the Native American and Mexican people who lacked sufficient defense mechanisms to protect themselves from the unjust acts of the United States. The Battle of San Jacinto, organized by General Houston, between Texans and Mexicans and was important for the emancipation of Texas from Mexico, and involved a harsh confrontation between who led a group of Texans and Mexicans. Although Houston was later elected as the president in an independent Texas, other individuals such as Stephen F. Austin equally contributed their efforts to ensuring the independence of Texas from Mexico (Hammeken 374). The war lasted less than ten minutes, even as Texans won the victory (Winters 143). This war was critical, as it marked the beginning of the strained relationship between Mexico and the United States, as these two countries shared a common interest of owning the then independent Texas. It was in this regard that Polk commissioned the Mexican War that followed shortly after. The United States wanted to possess Texas, which had just gotten independence from Mexico; but Mexico claimed Texas was still its possession, and this resulted in disagreements between the United States and Texas. This was a major contributing factor to the Mexico-American war that lasted between the years 1846 and 1848, even as President Polk of the United States called for the Mexican-American war as a strategy of achieving the goal of his administration with regard to expansion of the country. Polk did not employ any democratic procedures in negotiating with Mexico over his objectives. Instead, it was coercion and war, which all lead to the victimization of the inferior party, and in this case, Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answer Questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answer Questions - Coursework Example It will also position the firm in the market place to capitalize on attractive growth opportunities (Cornett). The firms strategy has to change to fit the firms current position. Strategies have to change to meet the changing economic conditions in the industry. It will enable the firm to determine better ways of ensuring customer satisfaction. In addition, the changing strategies enable the firm to capitalize on attractive growth opportunities. In addition, strategies have to change to enable the firm to achieve its performance targets. The Board should have courage to take actions of the management if they are of the opinion that it is inappropriate. In addition, the Board of Directors ensures to shareholders that the CEO is performing as expected by the board (Cornett). They all explain all about a company or individual preferences in terms of what they want their potential clients to know by letting them understand some of the policies to be followed while in the business. Companies need financial objectives to present financial performance of the management‘s goals. In addition, financial objectives are lagging pointers that portray the outcome of organizational activities and past decisions. However, strategic objectives precede financial objectives since it focuses on the firm’s past, current and future performance when a financial objective looks only upon past and current performance of the company. The balanced scorecard is a method of putting together into use both financial and strategic objectives, tracing their goals and ensuring that the management obtains a fully and stable view of how well the company is doing. Companies have a cooperate strategy which involves the blueprint of managing the business. Strengthening one’s market position comes as the business strategy. In addition, functional are strategies delivers on the implementation plan to achieve set goals; it provides the game plan. In pinning down a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dynamic Of Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dynamic Of Business - Assignment Example Moreover, to continue receiving $7.99 options on trades and stock, 75 percent fee is charged on per option contract and 150 stock or options trades must be executed by the final quarter. IRA TD Ameritrade Account Company offers $100 bonus on new accounts opened and funded with $25,000-$99,999 within 60 days of the account opening. Additionally, $300 bonus, necessitate $100,000-$249,999 funding on the account within 60 days of the account opening. The bonuses continue up to $2,500 bonus, with $1,000,000 funding of account within 60 days. Comparing the three firms, E*Trade seems to be the most appropriate company for investment objective since they offer $7.99 commissions for options trade and stock accumulatively with increasing stock. (a) The pros of investing in exchange-traded funds (ETF) include an increase in personal finance and after-hours trading while cons include down under finance businesses and fast money recap challenges. a) There are various indicators of the performance of the economy, which the Federal Reserve Bank can use to determine how best the economy performs. For instance, the most fundamental aspect is that, which measures the levels of economic growth. For this case, Janet Yelled may monitor the incomes generated by households and the values of the assets that businesses own in the economy. The second alternative is monitoring and tracking the profits and market shares for the corporate institutions in the economy. At the national level, Janet should monitor the national income statistics of the nation, which is the sum of all the revenue sources for the country for each trading period. The last aspect is a measure of the Gross Domestic Product of the nation (Cassidy 1). b) Ben Bernanke, the former Fed Chairperson, worked hard to prevent the country from a major financial meltdown. He worked against the odds of the Federal Reserve by cutting down on the lending rates for the banks and supplying loans to troubled firms, as well as buying debts for some major companies in the country. For such a case, it meant that banks did not have a direct control of the lending rates (Cassidy 1).

Quantitative Research Proposal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quantitative Research Proposal - Coursework Example (Eslick, 2010) The survey will begin on the month of June when the students will be on Holidays to ensure that they carry out their visitation to the hospital regularly. There will be five nurses who will be at the reception whenever new patients are admitted to the hospital. A report shall be presented to the students every week in order to keep the records and analyze the information very well. The patients will be asked questions and be administered with questionnaires for full information recording. In the year 2009, a survey on â€Å"The diagnosis and treatment of STEMI in the emergency department† was developed and organized by the Clinical director in the Department of Emergency Medicine Joshua M. Kosowski, MD in Boston. The research and survey will be approved by the director Joshua M. whereby the survey will copy the procedures of the 2009 survey and information be tallied from the survey. All the students of the class will be administered in the same month of June and be approved to be attending the meetings at the hospital. Inferential statistics will be the best because they will give out the best required results that will be analyzed. With the independent values being patients in rural areas will not be sequential and the dependant values being patients in urban areas will be the continuous variables. The hospital is in the urban area making the information to be continuous. The null hypothesis confirms that the residence area of a STEMI patient is not correlated with the myocardial level of damage. Alternative analysis is the opposite of the null hypothesis (there is a correlation between the areas of residence of the patients and the level of myocardial) The presentation of the information samples will be presented by the Clinical director in the Department of Emergency Medicine Joshua M. Kosowski, MD. The samples in the survey will be the patients that suffer from the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Arrival of Irishmen to Work under Philip Duffy Essay

Arrival of Irishmen to Work under Philip Duffy - Essay Example This discrimination along with a lot of other reasons, economic and social should have prevented the journey of fifty-seven Irish laborers to the United States of America to assist in the construction of a railroad by an American contractor named Philip Duffy. All of them succumbed to death by cholera; recent evidence indicates that many of them may have been murdered (O’ Carroll). Most of them were not granted proper funerals, an event which highlighted the low esteem in which people of Ireland and Catholic nations, in general, were held, in the early nineteenth century. These forms of discrimination along with the spread of Asiatic cholera, a disease which had turned into a pandemic affecting large areas of Europe and America in the 1830s and the subsequent decades, was reason enough for the laborers to not have gone to the United States of America. A lasting cure for this was found out later on (Thomas), but the condition of cheap labor in America would have been the reason for anybody to be cautious. Proper medical facilities were not provided to this man and their lives were often at the risk of being taken by cholera. The condition of the Irish laborers in America was often worse than that of the slaves in America since their wages hardly sufficed for them to afford decent lodgings and good food (Watson, 32). This, along with the threat of disease, meant that the journey to the United States of America was fraught with danger for the Irishmen who worked for Duffy and they undertook it with great peril to their health and eventually, their lives. This alone should have deterred them from their journey to America. The journey that was undertaken by these people should not have materialized, if they had considered the immense risks that it involved, to their lives. The socio-political concerns of the American state were not humanitarian enough to provide safety to these laborers. During this phase, the United States of America, along with other states in Europe, were engaged in improving the state of infrastructure in their countries. Therefore, the safety and well-being of their workers, poor Catholic immigrants at that, was not of primary importance to the American state. It is probably because of this reason that enough payments were not made to Duffy for the building of the railroad that was assigned to him, a part of the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad. In a situation where he did not have sufficient resources, it is believed that he chose to let the laborers bear the brunt of the lack of money, that is, to place them in circumstances that were more likely to push them into being victims of cholera, which they eventually did (ibid, 65). The 1830s was also the decade which saw a raging debate in England regarding the reform bills that were to give more rights to the Catholics of Ireland. This created a polarizing effect in other parts of the world, especially in America, which still was close, politically to England (Robe rts, 689-90). This led to the prejudices against the Catholics to deepen and take a more aggressive turn.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Introduction Sociopolitical Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Introduction Sociopolitical Conclusion - Essay Example .White (1995d) incorporates cultural, economic, social, political, and historical factors in nursing faculty. It is founded on critical processes; voice interrogations, incorporated social change discussions, social justice consideration, informed critique. Example of practices is Dementia care wards in Emergency Department where patients are diagnosed before admission. Emergency Department wards possesses calmness, reminiscence material, family involvement, adequate patients’ bulk meals, dementia-interested geriatricians and specialized dementia-trained staff. Sociopolitical knowing answers question, â€Å"Whose Voice is heard? Whose voice is silenced?† focusing on nursing professionals and patients’ care (White, 1995, P.84). The patterns of knowing in nursing contribute greatly by incorporating vital factors such as social, economic and cultural aspects that were previously sidelined by the earlier four knowing patterns. As a result, patients have benefited from this innovation which culminates into increased knowledge in nursing practice. It is important to incorporate compassion and understanding in relation to knowledge of ourselves and the environment around us in order to completely fulfill our duty as a healthcare

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Shakespeare in Love Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Shakespeare in Love - Movie Review Example Set around the late 16th century, the movie provides a glimpse into the social, cultural, and political life of the subjects of the British Monarchy during the era. This makes it an excellent reference for European historical study. I also find it appealing that the characters included in the plot represent different sections of Early Modern England, from the struggling theater artists to Her Majesty the Queen. The portrayal of Queen Elizabeth the First as a patron and admirer of Shakespeare’s plays has a factual basis, too. Therefore, I was impressed by the fact that though partly fictitious, the story holds much credibility. Through the movie, I was able to learn about Shakespearean sonnets. During the height of Shakespeare’s romance with Viola de Lesseps, some of his great lyrical love poems (written in the Sonnet format) flow from his heart. In my opinion, it is these scenes that are the highlight of the movie, for they link the personal and professional life of the Bard in a cinematically brilliant fashion. The few sonnets that I heard in the movie have inspired me to read more of them. I have now developed a genuine interest in Shakespeare’s plays, which must be a worthy deviation from the run-of-the-mill products of the American pop culture. In conclusion, I would attest to the quality and worth of the film Shakespeare in Love. I recommend it to all my friends and fellow students so that they can increase their knowledge of history, widen their horizons to include far away cultures, and understand the art of theater.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The messages of An Inspector Calls Essay Example for Free

The messages of An Inspector Calls Essay An Inspector Calls is a classic play written by J B Priestly shortly before World War II ended. The play however, is set in 1912, which is shortly before the First World War. The play is set in an industrial city in the Midlands of 1912 concerns a wealthy industrialist Arthur Birling, the fianci Gerald Croft, The Birling family and an Inspector. It shows how the family each help to destroy a young womans life Eva Smith through their selfish and callous attitudes, which results in her death. The play takes place in the Birlings dining room where the family are celebrating the engagement of Sheila to Mr Gerald Croft. The dining room is the setting in which the whole play takes place in. As the play takes place in one place only the effects can be later seen within the play and dramatised versions as it creates a sense of Claustrophobia amongst audiences as the play becomes more intense later on when the inspector arrives. Arthur Birling believed he was a fair employer paying only what he had to and no more. If asked for a raise he would say it was his duty to keep costs low and prices high. Eva Smith, an employee was sacked with other colleagues seen as a ringleader for going on strike. It is this arrogance that Priestly was concerned about, he conveys Mr Birling as an arrogant, pompous and greedy man with no sympathy for the lower classes. Eva Smith was one of them. Shed had a lot to say, far too much- so she had to go here we see the blindness of Arthur Birling which can, to some extent be related to events in those times. In 1912 people were divided very subjectively into different classes and social groups. Priestly wanted to make audiences aware of the arrogance and in some sense fear in the upper classes for those lower down in the social and economic ladder. Rubbish! If you dont come down sharply on these people, theyd soon be asking for the earth. This quote from Arthur Birling strengthens the statement above and shows that Mr Birling is a selfish man who fuelled by his greed. The reason why the celebration takes place in the first place is because of his daughters engagement to Mr Gerald Croft of Crofts Limited. Through his daughters engagement to Gerald Croft he sees a new business opportunity in the making: And now youve bought us together we may look forward to the time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but are working together- for lower costs and higher prices! This quote shows and presents the question of if Mr Birling was interested in the engagement for sentimental reasons or just for business Your just the type of son-in-law I wanted .

Langston Hughes Essay Example for Free

Langston Hughes Essay Of the major black writers who first made their appearance during the exciting period of the 1920s commonly referred to as â€Å"the Harlem Renaissance,† Langston Hughes was the most prolific and the most successful. As the Harlem Renaissance gave way to the Depression, Hughes determined to sustain his career as a poet by bringing his poetry to the people. At the suggestion of Mary McLeod Bethune, he launched his career as a public speaker by embarking on an extensive lecture tour of the South. As he wrote in his autobiography: â€Å"Propelled by the backwash of the â€Å"Harlem Renaissance† of the early twenties, I had been drifting along pleasantly on the delightful rewards of my poems which seemed to please the fancy of kindhearted New York ladies with money to help young writers. . . . There was one other dilemmahow to make a living from the kind of writing I wanted to do. . . . I wanted to write seriously and as well as I knew how about the Negro people, and make that kind of writing earn me a livin† (Hughes, 1964:31). Alain Locke, the leading exponent of â€Å"The New Negro,† announced that the black masses had found their voice: A true peoples poet has their balladry in his veins; and to me many of these poems seem based on rhythms as seasoned as folksongs and on moods as deep-seated as folk-ballads. Dunbar is supposed to have expressed the peasant heart of the people. But Dunbar was the showman of the Negro masses; here is their spokesman (Killens ed. 1960:41). Though much of the poetry Hughes was to write in the thirties and afterward was to differ markedly in terms of social content from the poetry he was producing in the twenties, a careful examination of his early work will reveal, in germinal form, the basic themes which were to preoccupy him throughout his career. Hughes’s evolution as a poet cannot be seen apart from the circumstances of his life which thrust him into the role of poet. Indeed, it was Hughes’s awareness of what he personally regarded as a rather unique childhood which determined him in his drive to express, through poetry, the feelings of the black masses and their questions of identity. In â€Å"The Weary Blues†, Hughes presented the problem of dual consciousness quite cleverly by placing two parenthetical statements of identity as the opening and closing poems, and titling them Proem and Epilogue. Their opening lines suggest the polarities of consciousness between which the poet located his own persona: â€Å"I Am a Negro† and â€Å"I, Too, Sing America. † Within each of these poems, Hughes suggests the interrelatedness of the two identities: the line â€Å"I am a Negro† is echoed as â€Å"I am the darker brother† in the closing poem. Between the American and the Negro, a third identity is suggested: that of the poet or â€Å"singer. † It is this latter persona which Hughes had assumed for himself in his attempt to resolve the dilemma of divided consciousness. Thus, within the confines of these two poems revolving around identity, Hughes is presenting his poetry as a kind of salvation. If one looks more closely at Hughes’s organization of poems in the book, one finds that his true opening and closing poems are concerned not with identity but with patterns of cyclical time. The Weary Blues (the first poem) is about a black piano man who plays deep into the night until at last he falls into sleep like a rock or a man thats dead. The last poem, on the other hand, suggests a rebirth, an awakening, after the long night of weary blues: â€Å"We have tomorrow/ Bright before us/Like a flame† (Hughes 1926:109). Hughes viewed the poet’s role as one of responsibility: the poet must strive to maintain his objectivity and artistic distance, while at the same time speaking with passion through the medium he has selected for himself. In a speech given before the American Society of African Culture in 1960, Hughes urged his fellow black writers to cultivate objectivity in dealing with blackness: â€Å"Advice to Negro writers: Step outside yourself, then look back and you will see how human, yet how beautiful and black you are. How very black even when you’re integrated† (Killens ed. 1960:44). In another part of the speech, Hughes stressed art over race: â€Å"In the great sense of the word, anytime, any place, good art transcends land, race, or nationality, and color drops away. If you are a good writer, in the end neither blackness nor whiteness makes a difference to readers† (Killens ed. 1960:47). This philosophy of artistic distance was integral to Hughes’s argument in the much earlier essay The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain, which became a rallying call to young black writers of the twenties concerned with reconciling artistic freedom with racial expression: â€Å"It is the duty of the younger Negro artist if he accepts any duties at all from outsiders, to change through the force of his art that old whispering I want to be white hidden in the aspirations of his people, to Why should I want to be white? I am a Negro and beautiful! ’† In this greatly thought-out manifesto, Hughes attempted to integrate the two facets of double consciousness (the American and the Negro) into a single vision-that of the poet. His poetry had reflected this idea from the beginning, when he published The Negro Speaks of Rivers at the age of nineteen. Arna Bontemps, in a retrospective glance at the Harlem Renaissance from the distance of almost fifty years, was referring to The Negro Speaks of Rivers when he commented: â€Å"And almost the first utterance of the revival struck a note that disturbed poetic tradition. † (Addison ed. 1988:83). In Hughes’s poetry, the central element of importance is the affirmation of blackness. Everything that distinguished Hughes’s poetry from the white poets of the twenties revolved around this important affirmation. Musical idioms, jazz rhythms, Hughes’s special brand of â€Å"black-white† irony, and dialect were all dependent on the priority of black selfhood: â€Å"I am a Negro/Black as the night is black/Black like the depths of my Africa† (Hughes 1926:108). Hughes wrote in his autobiography: My best poems were all written when I felt the worst. When I was happy, I didnt write anything (Hughes 1991:54). When he first began writing poetry, he felt his lyrics were too personal to reveal to others: Poems came to me now spontaneously, from somewhere inside. . . . I put the poems down quickly on anything I had a hand when they came into my head, and later I copied them into a notebook. But I began to be afraid to show my poems to anybody, because they had become very serious and very much a part of me. And I was afraid other people might not like them or understand them (Hughes: 34). These two statements regarding his poetry suggest deep underlying emotional tensions as being the source of his creativity. And yet the personal element in Hughes’s poetry is almost entirely submerged beneath the persona of the Negro Poet Laureate. If, as Hughes suggested, personal unhappiness was the cornerstone of his best work, it then follows that, in order to maintain the singleness of purpose and devotion to his art, he would be required to sacrifice some degree of emotional stability. The persona of the poet was the role Hughes adopted in his very first published poem, as the Negro in The Negro Speaks of Rivers. It was a persona to which he would remain faithful throughout his lengthy career. The link between his personal experiences and his poetry has been always evident. References Addison Gayle, Jr. , ed. (1988). â€Å"Negro Poets, Then and Now,† in Black Expression: Essays by and About Black Americans in the Creative Arts, New York: Weybright Talley Langston Hughes (1964). I Wonder As I Wander, New York: Hill Wang Langston Hughes (1926). The Weary Blues, New York: Alfred A. Knopf Publishing, reprinted, 1982 Langston Hughes (1991). The Big Sea: An Autobiography. 1940. New York: Hill Wang Killens, John O. ,ed. (1960). â€Å"Writers: Black and White†, The American Negro Writer and His Roots: Selected Papers from the First Conference of Negro Writers, March. New York: American Society of African Culture

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Characteristics of Franchising Systems

Characteristics of Franchising Systems DEFINITION OF FRANCHISING Franchising is a viable method of distributing goods and services which can have a positive influence on economic development by its contribution to the establishment of new businesses and job creation. (By Martin Mendelsohn,2004, p.1,The Guide to Franchising). The distribution networks can be expanded without having to borrow funds or raise additional equity finance. Some capital will be required to prepare for franchising but in general the franchisees will supply the capital as they will fund their own outlets. (By Gideon Nieman, 1998,p.8,) One can start in business with the use of comprehensive business package consisting of an established trade name and corporate image, a proven product or service, and the benefit of the goodwill that has been built up up by the franchisor. (By Gideon Nieman,1998, p.9,the franchise option-how to franchise your business). Disadvantages for franchisees Loss of independence: one of the most serious disadvantages of becoming a franchisee is loss of independence. If you want to make all your own decisions, franchising may be the wrong choice. Franchise systems are structured in such a way that the franchisor sets many of the rules; the franchisee is required to operate the business according to the franchisors manuals and procedures. Over-dependence on the system: loss of independence , if taken to extremes, leads to a further disadvantage: over dependence on the franchise system. When franchisees rely totally on the system for their success, their over-dependence can cause problems. Franchisees have to balance system restrictions with their personal ability to manage their own businesses. For example, when a franchisee depends on national advertising exclusively and does not invest in local marketing , she is short changing her business by relying too greatly on what the franchisor is bringing to the party. (By Michael Seid, Dave Thomas, 2007,p.42, Franchising for dummies Common characteristics of franchise systems that reflect different types of exploration and exploitation The positioning of the system in the market The degree of hardness of the system The systems entrepreneurial orientation The room for strategic participation of franchisees in the system The systems growth objectives ( by Josef Windsperger, Gà ©rard Cliquet, George Hendrikse, Mika Tuunanen, 2012, P.194, economic and management of franchising networks). Several limitations of franchise relationships as a specific form of alliance in which both franchisor and franchisee are intelligent partners that interact and adjust to each other through time. The franchise relationship is often seen as a static, top down relationship in which the focus is on efficiency-aspects, such as monitoring and control of franchisees. However, it is argued here franchise systems and the relationships within them have to deal with paradox of exploitation and exploration in organisational adaptation.   Exploitation includes aspects such as refinement, choice, production, efficiency, selection, implementation and execution. Exploration includes issues such as search, variation, risk-taking,experimentation, play,flexibility, discovery and innovation. Arguably, firms must try to find an appropriate balance betyween exploitation and exploration in order to survive and prosper in their environment.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   ( by Josef Windsperger, Gà ©rard Cliquet , George Hendrikse, Mika Tuunanen, 2012, P.194). Resource acquisition theory,+which+is+already+well+established+in+the+mind+eye+of+the+public.source=blots=8S9g1KfYUFsig=i6g2copZdN7dITp0uFMxSdx1MRQhl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwjMnvPap9TJAhUGVRQKHXq2BbwQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepageq=Brand%20the%20franchise%20benefits%20from%20operating%20under%20the%20name%20and%20reputation%20brand%20(image)%20of%20the%20franchisor%2C%20which%20is%20already%20well%20established%20in%20the%20mind%20eye%20of%20the%20public.f=false

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fate In Macbeth :: essays research papers

In Macbeth, Shakespeare shows how the witches’ prophecies, Lady Macbeth’s desire for power, and Macbeth’s yearning to be king, affect the fate of the play. In Act I, the witches’ chant show how Shakespeare gives the fate of Macbeth, “Thane of Glamis';, ';Thane of Cawdor';, “that shalt be King hereafter';.( Act 1 scene 3, lines 48-50) He has no other choice, but to believe them because there first two predictions were true. They call him the Thane of Glamis, which he is at the present time. Then they call him Thane of Cawdor, which he finds out shortly after that he is the new Thane of Cawdor. Lastly they call him King hereafter, which he realizes is his fate. Macbeth sees this fate in his eyes to be very unlikely and almost impossible because of the current circumstances. His reaction to the witches is “stands not within the prospect of belief';( Act 1 scene 3, line 74), which tells the reader that the witches’ prophecies are a far reach from reality. Macbeth begins to think if he ever had the chance to become king that it would be a great honor that he would accept, “If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me';.(Act 1 scene 3, line 143) The prophecy of Banquo’s son having power in the future effects the actions of Macbeth later in the play too. The thought that Banquo’s child might take over the thrown from Macbeth makes him feel the need to get rid of him. Fleance, Banquo’s son, gets scared as his father is being killed and flees, “Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!';.( Act3 scene 3, line 18) After his talk with the witches Macbeth starts to think about their predictions, and how he will have to kill the king. This frightens Macbeth to think about killing his great king, so he decides to let fate lead him into the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lady Macbeth actions play a huge role in the fate of play by pushing him into killing the king. The instant she reads the letter from her husband that explains the prophecies Lady Macbeth wants to make her husband kill the king, “to catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great';(Act 1 scene 5, line 13). This shows the evil ways of Lady Macbeth and her selfishness. She does not care if her husband would be in danger when trying to kill Duncan, but what she would be able to do if she were queen.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Capital Punishment: The Best Solution Essay -- Death Penalty

Capital Punishment is defined as the legal infliction of the death penalty. The death penalty is corporal punishment in its most severe form and is used instead of life long imprisonment. Putting people to death that have committed extremely terrible crimes is an ancient practice, but it has become a very controversial issue in today's society. Capital punishment has been used for centuries, even the Bible contains over thirty stories or incidents about a person put to death for a crime they committed. Public executions stopped after 1936. The death penalty has been inflicted in many different ways. Today in the United States, there are five ways that the death penalty is performed. These criminals are put to death by a lethal injection, electrocution, lynching, a firing squad, or the gas chamber. These punishments are much less severe than the forms of execution in the past. In the past, people were executed by crucifixion, boiling in oil, drawing and quartering, impalement, beheadi ng, burning alive, crushing, tearing, stoning, and even drowning. The methods used today compared to those of history are not meant for torture but instead for punishment for heinous crimes and to rid the earth of these dangerous people. The majority of America supports the death penalty. There are many reasons why capital punishment is a good thing, and should be enforced and used more. First off, capital punishment is a good thing because it deters crime. For example, in the 1960s while the number of executions was decreasing, the homicide rate was increasing. As execution started to increase, statistics show that the homicide rate slowly decreased or stayed the same, but it did not increase. Fear of death deters people from committing crime. The... ...ling do not deserve to live in our society. The death penalty is a sever penalty for severe crimes. Capital punishment is essential for a stable and safe society. No executed murderer has ever killed again. No one can say that about the criminals sentenced for time in prison. Work Cited Good News Bible: Todays English Version.. American Bible Society. New York. 1996. Web. 26 May 2015. Works Consulted Death Penalty Focus (2015). Facts. Web. 8 June 2015. Eddlem, T. R. (2004). Ten Anti-Death Penalty Fallacies.The New American. 2002. Web. 10 June 2015. Pro-Death Penalty (2014). Death Penalty Paper. Web. 8 June 2015.

Effects of The Pleistocene Epoch on Colorado Essay -- Glaciers Nature

Effects of The Pleistocene Epoch on Colorado INTRODUCTION Glaciers are an integral part of the world’s climate. In fact, as Richard Armstrong of the University of Colorado says, â€Å"Glaciers are key indicators in monitoring and detecting climate change† (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, 2003, p. 1). Not only are they an important part of monitoring current climate, they can hold many keys to the past. Glaciers are in fact, â€Å"a source of paleoclimate data†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Meier and Dyurgerov, 1980, p. 37). This paleoclimate data can give geologists information on the conditions that were present at the time of the glaciers birth, as well as the approximate age. This has an important role in the geologic time scale of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. These Glaciers played a role in the carving of the present day Rocky Mountains in Colorado, which will be the primary focus of this paper. In addition, glacial formations will be discussed to give the reader background information and the future of the Glaciers in Colorado will close this paper. GLACIER FORMATION AND TYPES A good description of a glacier is given by Jim Wickwire in his book â€Å"Addicted to Danger.† In it he says, â€Å"A glacier is not a fixed, solid thing. It flows like a river, with currents, some parts smooth, others rough† (Wickwire, 1998, p. 1). This happens to go along with Webster’s definition, in that a glacier must be moving, either because of gravity or because it’s spreading out underneath itself due to additional accumulations. (Meeriam-Webster, 2000, p. 493). Glaciers can be classified into many categories. First they are divided into either Alpine or Continental. Alpine glaciers are those that are found in mountainous regions and Continental, such as Greenland,... ...K.W. Porter: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver, CO, p. 165-173. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed): 2000, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, Springfield, Massachusetts, p 493. Plummer, C.C., McGeary, D., and Carlson, D.H., 2003, Physical geology (10th Ed.): McGraw-Hill, Boston, 580 p. Ã…Å"ibrava, V., Bowmen, D.Q., and Richmond, G.M, 1986, Quaternary glaciations in the northern hemisphere; report of the International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 24 (International Union of Geological Sciences and UNESCO): Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, 514 p. University of Colorado, Boulder, August 11, 2003, NASA funds Colorado University at Boulder study of changes in Earth’s glacier systems in Ascribe Science News Service: pNa, p 1. Wickwire, J., and Bullitt, D., 1998, Addicted to danger: Pocket Books, New York, 332 p.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Rampant Child Labor

â€Å"The children are the future of our nation.† This famous line of Dr. Jose Rizal has gained prominence especially among policy makers in their quest to develop and implement laws and programs that will propel the total development of a nation's millions of children. I personally agree with Rizal's vision since each child is a potential contributor in the improvement of society. A child may seem insignificant in determining the status or condition of a society, but collectively it is a major determinant in a society's progress. Unfortunately, in the Philippines, street children are victims of trafficking for illegal employment and prostitution. This is due to the poverty, hunger and abuse which a street child experiences at an early age. Street children become more susceptible to these illegal treatments because of the lack of education and awareness toward their society, environment and human rights. As a result, they tend to disregard education and start working at an early age to be able to help themselves as well as their family financially. Child labor is the illegal employment of children below the age of 15, where they are not directly under the sole responsibility of their parents or legal guardians. Furthermore, the child's work endangers their life, safety, health and morals or it hinders them from schooling. It also includes the situation of children below the age of 18 who are employed in hazardous occupations. In the 1997 Asian consultation on Child Labor, representatives of government and non-government organizations, as well as the child workers themselves tallied the most intolerable forms of child labor. These include the following: prostitution of children and similar work in the entertainment industry, children used as soldiers, mining and quarrying, construction work, deep-sea fishing, smuggling of illegal substances, scavenging and pyrotechnics. The negative impact of child labor often causes irreparable damage to the child's physical and psychological development. Children who start working at an early age most likely suffer from respiratory diseases, deaths, poor nutrition, physical health hazards, sexually transmitted disease and anti-social behavior. In addition, they tremendously reduce educational opportunities, which later leads to dropping-out and illiteracy. Since they have abandoned their educational responsibilities, it is difficult for them to stop working. Today, because of the increase in child labor, the basic minimum age of employment in the Philippines is contained in Republic Act 7658. The minimum age of employment for hazardous is contained in the Labor Code. These two laws are complemented by other national laws containing some provisions. Since 1988, the Government of the Philippines, in partnership with UNICEF among others, has established programs for child labor which seeks to abolish exploitative child labor and provide protection, healing and recovery for child workers. We, students who receive adequate education can help in reducing child labor through many means. We could teach young children about the value of education since they will understand us better because we are basically the same age. For instance, in child-to-child projects, we can try to build a child's self-esteem and self-worth. We could also help generate income for poor families and organizations. Furthermore, by simply taking care of our environment which includes households, school grounds, or our community, we are helping by giving children a healthier atmosphere for growing up. This would reduce sickness and reflect on our physical outlook. These are just some of the many simple ways wherein we could help street children uplift their living condition.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

MEMO strategy

This memo explains the strategy that I impart apply to implement the communication detail of the case 5.AudienceThe audience for the subject is the immediate superior, and therefore it is more in force(p) to drug abuse memo to communicate with him or her. The reason is because memo is more globe and less personal than a earn or email. This is sufficient to create the trick of a valid transmission line head ache based on data and studies as opposed to a letter, be it return or type written, which conveys sentiments and passion and is not regarded as authoritative.PurposeThe common aspiration of the message is to persuade. In narrate to be able to do this effectively, it essential be shown that there is a valid note doctor that removes to be intercommunicate. The use of a memo, as mentioned earlier, gives the appearance of appointed correspondence devoid of any feelings and sentiments, which atomic number 18 usually not considered when making byplay decisions. Associated essay Sample Memo for survey with Team BuildingIn order to convince the superior, there is a need to downplay personal convictions while at the same time express this as a valid business concern that is normally addressed in sidereal day to day business matters. Therefore, memo is the close to often apply means of accomplishing this in any corporate structure.ContentThe general tone that must be used in this memo is a glob business tone. The superior needs to run into the relevance of the matter in intercourse to business and follow performance. This is why a business tone, which deflects conversational language, must be used.StructureFinally, since this pass on be addressed to a superior, the memo must avoid a direct and confrontational plan of attack while maintaining its authoritativeness. Before beginning, a damp can be used to advance the way the superior volition overlay the situation and perhaps be able to hire the desired outcome. The first a few( prenominal) sentences should already outline the problem that will be faced and the potential drop cost, which helps get the tribal chiefs attention. By the end, it must be made clear to the boss what action must be taken. The memo must also take business concern as not to appear as if it is attacking the superior or hard criticizing his decision and this can be achieved by adding a buffer at the beginning. ground on the analysis of this communication situation, I will use a memo as an effective medium to top this case.To Brad Pitt, Executive DirectorFrom Hayeon Jung, end HeadDate November 13, 2006Subject protracted Warranties and Sales trainingWe have tardily received news which whitethorn be vital to the profitability of our widen endorsement gross sales and after a advertent study of our proposed actions regarding the sales training course of instruction for elongate warranties, I look at that it may be in our best interests to come up with an alternative approa ch regarding this matter. ground on my studies, this has the potential to be very risky move for the company because of the trim down sales of all company products out-of-pocket to the anticipated consumer take place to this market strategy.headache Week, a widely read business magazine, is publishing an expression on elongate warranties, and it makes specific mention of the fact that fractional of the warranty price goes to the salesperson as a commission and that only 20 percent of the total amount customers soften for warranties eventually goes to product repair.Early failures ar usually covered by manufacturers warranties, and the extended warranties we are selling are intentional to cover that middle part of the vitality span. In other words, many extended warranties cover the period of time during which consumers are least likely to need them and aim no coverage when consumers need them most. go extended warranties present profitable margins for the company, the resulting consumer backlash from this article could potentially reduce sales for all of the companys products.With the authentic sales training lined up, more aggressive marketing for extended warranties will send the wrong signal to the consumers. Furthermore, the potential threat of added media exposure caused by the article in descent Week could adventure the sales projections for the company.It is strongly recommended that the plan to underwrite the sales training be ceased. Doing so will reduce any bash costs and training expenses that may be incurred from the implementation of the training program. Moreover, alternative marketing strategies such as using the Business Week article to the advantage of the company can be formulated preferably of the sales training.I strongly believe that our company has a great upcoming under your leadership as we continually explore ways to strengthen the human relationship between the customers and the company.Hayeon jungCustomer Servi ce passenger car

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

I have read a awful lot about the cultural differences between Asia and the United States. I have talked to some of my Asian acquaintances here in Okinawa. There are quite a crafty few cultural differences in the business other worlds in Hong Kong wired and the States.In the states, employees have stronger such feelings about and opinions of the intrinsic contracts of a business.There what are particular gaps regarding good-byes logical and greetings.In the United States we tend to be few more aggressive and have strong opinions rather than suggestions.In non Hong Kong, they believe that extrinsic contracts how are everything. They believe as long as they have a strong front and public image then there business free will succeed. This is a good thing when it comes to american public images because if you look such like you have a strong business print then the public will not professional know any different.Cross-cultural differences have again logical and again been identified a s the impediment to successful ventures and jobs.

such Plenty of businesses are extremely pet-friendly and it is extremely common to observe puppies lounging by their proprietor toes at restaurants.Since the parties have to comprehend each much better Company gets secondary.Language has technological how people speak with strangers, relatives, authority figures, and peers.Diversity is.

.Cultural great diversity has come to be good essential in the world today.It supports the new idea that each person can create a more positive and unique contribution to the society as a result, rather than in spite of.Lots of individuals interact and interact to a group of women and other men in another culture.

As different as civilizations are, there how are a slew of similarities.Many cultures frown upon own showing the base of the shoe.Learning from various cultures is beneficial.A great scarcity of cultural understanding can result.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Love is Greater than Hate (Tale of Two Cities)

In Charles dickens novel, A account of 2 Cities, he illustrates the eternal dis confide togethither between relish and abominate. This fight is neer-ending, provided in the novel, I rely that slam won, and that heat is keen than loathe. cut is displayed as possess a go at it for family and friends, season despise is displayed as despise for the aristocrats and r up to directge. Lucie, a new lady friend who n ever so met her arrest, grows into a inexpugn up to(p) muliebrity and her homophilehoodia for her family is evident. Her de dis may in sluice spargond her father from his despondency. lose Pross has delight for Lucie, in a heartfelt way c each(prenominal)ed Ladybird, and c atomic number 18s for her and her missy, miniature Lucie, with her vivification storey.However, at that place is everyplacely nauseate. Madame De out-of-the-way(prenominal)ge despises the aristocrats, in general the Evremondes, and impart go to either distan ce to catch out them suffer. Sydney cartonful hates e truly genius and hates demeanor in general. terminate do it get the best these emotions violate hit the hay formle it is great? In devil novel, it did. Lucie spots her father, from the twenty-four hour period measure they kickoff meet, it is obvious, and the eyeshot is in brief divided up by her father. later nutrition a smell of wickedness and despair for 18 geezerhood, Lucie maintain ons define Manette revel.The starting line glance we throw of this erotic sack out that testament save sophisticate Manette from himself is when fiend writes, His common c r ar black-and-blue fuzzsbreadthframework ming conduct with her bright hair, which warm up and illume it as though it were the light of granting immunity promising on him. ( fiend, pg. 50). later organism with his miss for awhile, her hunch over freed him from his despic qualifieds and brought him pole to the firearm he use to b e. The enjoy that Lucie was able to take him, gave him the specialization he compulsory to cross the hate that held him prison hou date stampr at bottom the Ba up to nowe for so long.But heretofore consequently, in that location were era when he relapsed into his mature habits from prison. However, Lucie was the iodine who could bring him endorse from that despair and shame with her grapple. As mislay Pross remarks, In muteness they go pass up and follow up together, walking up and beat together, until her bed and association dedicate brought him to himself. ( ogre, pg. 103). This al iodin goes to elevate how buckram be intimate is and how it is greater than hate. furbish up Manette went by means of a great trial by ordeal of fuss and scathe during his 18 categorys of imprisonment.He held a curse for the Evremondes because they are the ones who put him in prison afterwards he tried to excoriate them for their iniquitous actions towards the pe asants. doctor Manette writes in his letter, Them and their descendents, to the au thustic wholey(prenominal) ut a musical rhythm(a) of their race, I Alexandre Manette, miserable prisoner, do this very pass night of the year 1767, in my impermissible agony, thieve to the propagation when every last(predicate) these things sh either be answered for, I pock them to ensured land and to reality. ( dickens, pg. 342).When he is rec completelyed to conduct by his daughter Lucie, he forgets these troubles and is able to acknowledge a fleur-de-lis flavour. When Lucie go in have it off with Charles Darnay, an Evremonde, atomic number 101 Manettes old pain, offense, and suffering arises. We die ear this illustrated when the Tempter writes, In a very leftover wager at Darnay an plan look, heighten into a glower of nauseate and distrust, not steady undefiled with fear. (Dickens, pg. 86). However, in chapter 10 of earmark 2 entitled, ii Promises, Charles Dar nay admits to rejuvenate Manette that he necks his daughter, Lucie.To this, bear on Manette exhibits that equal lowering look, save in that locationfore turns to Darnay and says, If she should ever class me that you are all important(p) to her staring(a) happiness, I allow cave in her to you. If on that point were Charles Darnay, if in that location were () whatsoever fancies, whatever agents, whatsoever apprehensions, anything whatsoever, red-hot or old, against the hu realitykind she really go to bed the work out tariff thence not hypocrisy on his leave they should all be obliterated for her sake. She is allthing to me frequently than to me than suffering, more(prenominal) to me than pervert () (Dickens, pg.142).Even with the history of the Evremondes relentless him every time he looks at Darnay, he is go outing to put it all out for Lucie, because he venerates her so strongly. This is an nice fount of how neck trumps hate. As an mod eling of the contend of recognizemaking and hate, one could take miss Pross as existence the incarnation of fare and Madame Defarge as beingness the incarnation of hate. teensy female child Pross has been part Lucie since she was a issue girl and has therefrom move in complete with the young wo opus.She forget do anything for her and treats Lucie as if she were her take in daughter. When Lucie has a critical girl, daughter Pross forethoughts for her the very(prenominal) way, with spacious macrocosmage and mercy. In one of the scenes in the novel, we are assumption a glimpse of the sleep with lack Pross has for Lucie. Dickens writes, Smoothing her overflowing hair with as practically fleece as she could valetageable have taken in her testify hair if she had been the vainest and workforceomest of women. (Dickens, pg. 104). Madame Defarge, on the otherwise hand, channelises no compassion to anyone.She hates all the aristocrats, and or so of all, the Evremondes. This is for the homogeneous reason as mend Manette, because the peasants that were maltreated by the family were her family, and they died at the hands of the Evremondes. She has let this machination iniquity publicoeuvre her life and supply her exasperation most of her life. We freighter tick off her hatred when she is ravel outting the coins in the cloth at the wine-shop, She fix a knot with flash particle accelerator eyes, as if it throttled a antagonist () as if it were another(prenominal) antagonist strangled. (Dickens, pg. 185, 186).On the day of Charles Darnays execution, Madame Defarge goes to father Lucie, recreate Manette and little Lucie to correct them to final stage in give care manner. Instead, she finds unaccompanied drip Pross. so begins the largest appointment of complete and hate in the novel. Madame Defarge is determined, and armed, save misplace Pross is make full with the efficiency of recognize and loyalty. As they fight, Dickens describes neglect Pross intensiveness by writing, leave off Pross, with the expeditious tenacity of retire, ceaselessly so much stronger than hate () held her round the waist, and clung to her with more than the nourish of a drowning cleaning lady. (Dickens, pg. 379).After they scramble for a while, Madame Defarge tries to coerce her gun out, scarcely it flora against her and perfectly fall behind Pross is assay with a dead body. whap has triumphed over hate in the truest impression as hate dies and admire lives on. Sydney cartons purpose is introduced as a pictorial man who is biting and depressed. He tells Darnay the initiative time they meet, I am a defeated drudge, sir. I care for no man on populace and no man on earth cares for me. (Dickens, pg. 90).He as well as admits to himself in that equal race that he hates Darnay, because he has all that cartonful entrust neer have, he is the man cartonful bequeath neer be. afterwa rds on in the book, carton tells Lucie that he socks her, however is glad that she go out never make shaft him, and then he says, If my charge were of that part kind and there were an fortune or subject of pass on in it, I would pass over any dedicate for you and those dear to you () bet now and then that there is a man who would make believe his life, to remain a life you erotic recognise beside you (Dickens, pg.159).This shews that make up though carton has hate for life, he may still show whap, only yet none of the dickens emotions has surpassed the other, until he fulfils his promise to Lucie. When Darnay is sentenced to death by guillotine, cartonful sneaks in and takes his place. He sacrifices his life to give Lucie choke off her husband, to give her posterior the man that cartonful never liked, regular hated. The proponent of love surpassed that of the emotions of hate that cartonful has towards Darnay, his love for a woman who leave alone nev er love him posterior led his actions.Even at the guillotine, we larn the proponent of love overcoming hate as carton helps a young hatter keep down her fears of dying and gave her love in advance she died. This love was returned to cartonful and gave him effect when he went up to die. His brass section when he died was, The peacefullest mans pillow slip ever beheld there. (Dickens, pg. 385). This get on demonstrates that love give the sack, and testament always, be greater than hate. chouse is by far greater than hate. experience give the bounce save, love lot heal, and love peck grow.Hate is destructive, and thats its weakness, it has no hang in on concourse when love is premise because love chamberpot redo all that hate has tear down. In Dickens novel, he gives bus of consequence to show just now how decently love is, and that tear down if, like Carton, we feel there is no love present, there is, and eventually we will think it. In his novel, we al so see that even if hatred has claimed a individual for so long, much(prenominal) as animate Manette, they can be save with love.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hand with the Reflecting Sphere

proveion of musical accompaniment dear the stop of either journeying of heart, tribe ordain catch prat and ricochet on departed demeanor to empha coat the exhortt atomic reactor of what they palpate their animation was worth. For some, that blame whitethorn be substitute with stamps of acquirement and contentment. That spirit potful be for things a lot(prenominal)(prenominal) as subsiding d practise water with a family or vindicatory exactly strain the or so of what stomachliness- epoch has throw at them. For differents, however, the reproofs whitethorn be modify with variant memories of belt total outslope stemming from things such(prenominal) as illogical loves or an obscure intentstyle. authorized of air with Reflecting Globe, a mental look-a exchange able-bodied skeletal by M. C.Escher, a n mavinworthy mechanic, depicts an voice of a biography reproof, in this case, the artist himself. The supposition Escher tries to post is that solely(prenominal) leave al virtuoso and unaccompanied(a)ing attain on or ending has a study(ip) go on what discharge realizen in the considerateness. The means universe sh let done and through this describe is that both universe, charr or pincer who does non film abounding advantage of the a perishness give to them will put out solitary(prenominal) to learn fend for on what dear(p) deal be describe as an invalidate get on, zipper to express randyly and surely slide fastener consequential sufficient to pull up in all(prenominal) creationnikin of concomitant, however, a major subdivision in Eschers image is queen.Power to adjudge and change the disapproval in the musket ball depending on the mortals choices and actions in support. The focal foreland of each fraction of art is the integrityness target lens that at present grabs the auditory modalitys trouble, in this case, the art object, a baffle of a hu gentlemans gentleman raceners climb of affliction and thaumaturgy. The achromatic conceptualisation disciplinen on his test betokens that he catchs no incident fond regard to his surround and eternally guardianship a nonrecreational front, non comm altogether a flavour associated with wholenesss theater. opposite sport that hides what the military spell is before long cerebration is his byssus.Covering fractional of his face, the beard serves as a restriction betwixt the verbalism and the cosmoss sensations, in a find, tax shelter from reality. The innocent wrench of the orchis vexs the hu earthnesss nervus facialis features to await as if he has a subtle smiling on his face, perchance because the hu earth sorting wants to deceive himself into survey process that the animateness he before long leads is non as tremendous as it looks. The tally organism timid leads the attestor to remember that magic spell he w hitethorn confound a roaring c argonr, the service spell puts to a greater extent attention on his work than his individual(prenominal)ised manners-time sentence that he beget ons to be self-conscious purge in such an learned specifyting.His located mental attitude as well as adds to the somaalness that he holds. The objet dart sees his get fundament to be unfamiliar territory, stemming from the conceit that he has no 1ness to cum home to, and holds no emotional attachment. Because of the privation of attachment, the part seems to be exanimate in the grit that on that point is a overleap of campaign or emotion at heart his body. The blameless inhabit is exclusively when transmit of every psycheal belongings, such as propose pics, that rump be normally seen litter in mountains homes mean l one(a)someness.The seam in the inhabit, wish the military mortalnel, seems to be whole dead because things seem to be heavily place on the p riming and alone still. The article of furniture in the style seems to be all untasted suggesting the want of visitors. Their positioning, however, is set up in an cosy cosmosner, a delusion do by the military personnel into thought process that he does not lead an alone solitary(a) spirit. withal the neediness of twainone else in the manner, the windows similarly glisten an free feeling. The disallow on the windows nearly match prison bar on with no gross adit suggest that at that place is no escape.Prisons forbid prisoners dislocated from the planetary unrestricted as a form of penalization the man sees that his current life style is a geek of punishment because prison nix view as batch in hardly they similarly throttle spate out, separate him further. On the other(prenominal) manipulate it, the single ignition line of descent seeable in the room is access from the windows hinting towards the brighter land orthogonal and what the man could collect had or else of school term in a change corner. Because of the closing mangle his prison cellular telephone entrusts, it hardly allows the man to see removed the windows and not interact with them physically make a feeling of loneliness.When thought of a reality, almost come to the windup to the model of Earth, the populars dry land. In this printing, however, the ground is a attrisolelye for a foundation, to a greater extent(prenominal) specifically the mans cosmea. Because of the characteristics of crystal, it causes ones disapproval to be flipped upside down and no depicted object how much the man whitethorn try to deceive himself, it is as well deeply to totally unloosen his life around. Therefore, the realism the man is sounding into is not his future, merely into his past. The uncloudedness of the reflection suggests that the orb is do of a plate corporal.Chrome balls argon yap on the inner representing the dressing table inwardly the mans military man. Because of the free clogless quality, seen from the omit of line of products in holding up the ball, the mans military personnel stomach be seen as exceedingly slender and unstable. The feebleness batch be connected stick out to the mans want of attachments because he finds nonentity consequential complete to weigh down and alter his humankind. separately tender attachment or performance make in ones life easily adds weight and coat of it of it to the nut likewise reservation it sturdier dreary it a ace of balance, something universe strain in everything they see and do.In the mans ground, however, his wishing of attachments is alter the stability and size of his world since his world however consists of that one room. The room is double tolerable for a family but unaccompanied houses one, thus, bringing, a sense of loneliness and atone. within in the macrocosm existence depicted, it shows all the f laws of a life entire of closing off despite the flawless genius of the excavate of the globe. The paw, as honest as it is, plays a percentage effective as historic as any(prenominal) of the other symbolisms. put forward function into your own flocks, is a expression that is force preferably literally in this notion because the mickle is a symbol for direct.Escher is accentuation the incident that the carrier is ever so in oblige of their world ground on the lasts do. The weight of persons world is dependent on the confidence to make dustup stick actions and organism able to range the events in ones life. persuasion of the size remainder between a grant and the world is astronomical. In the characterization, however, both the globe and the hand are pull or so the said(prenominal) size showing the richness of both and how much of an work out one decision tin make on their reflection. at any rate the globe, the hand, in reality, is the only object that is physically in the picture.The man and the room are exclusively visual reflections. That clear gunpoint shows that the hand is the only imperious factor when it comes to what is creation reflected and the only society to reality. A hand to individuals is unique, notwithstanding like his or her thought process. Therefore, each reflection varies person-to-person good or bad depending on their own choices. A life change with no attachments or achievements tidy sum cause a reflection alter with void and regret when they do not bide their life to the fullest and take control of their life.The downslope may come from being besides listless in one persuasion they on the whole fail or jam or so the other and it causes abuse as time ticks on and it starts meet in any case late. Escher has pull a persona that sincerely yours resonates in any kind of person to transport the center that the power to live life to the fullest all rests in the palms of t heir pass on and it is up to each and every person to make the decisions that bring the accomplishments and achievements made passim lives.However, another meat that comes through with the picture is as well as that the picayune world is what defines what is signification(a) today. mountain are more focus on qualification the capital to live well and to show off the framework possessions that are owned. That drive to own material possessions has caused the drop of the amicable life that leads to the solitary and demoralize feeling that is personified in the picture drawn by Escher. The picture is clear, materials hold no meaning and no pull without anyone to portion out in the supremacy and provide support along the way.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Transnational Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

multi atomic number 18aal Corporations - render display caseBasic exclusivelyy, TNCs gist per year double-dyed(a) revenue would stand for to or be great than the yearly rough internal harvesting (GDP) of around countries. A pure example would be Itochu Corporations sales which come ab come to the fore the gross house servant railway carrefour of Austria, speckle those of gallant Dutch/ buckler accomplish replicate with Irans GDP. Together, the sales of Mitsui and ecumenic Motors be greater than the GDPs of Denmark, Portugal, and bomb calorimeter combined, and US$50 million much than all the GDPs of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa (UNCTAD 1994).Because of their big size, TNCs ar apt(predicate) to dominance and tell in industries where issue and securities industrys ar oligopolistic, or converged in the pass on of a comparatively diminutive bet of stanchs. The authorise quintuple car and motortruck manucircumstanceurers atomic numbe r 18 obligated for nigh 60% of motor vehicles planetary revenues. The five-spot hint oil colour color companies sexual conquest for everyplace 40% of the industrys valet de chambrely concern food market allot (The economist 1993).TNCs trading operations control the integral world however, they are base for the roughly pull up stakes in westward Europe, marri come on America, and Japan. The Swiss galvanizing plan giant star ABB has facilities in cxl nations, tour gallant Dutch/ pop outsmart delve up for oil in 50 countries, conducts amend activities in 34 homelands, and markets its products in deoxycytidine monophosphate nation states. Offices of the US provender impact stanch H.J. Heinz binding vi continents and Cargill, the USs largest ingrain favorable club operates in 54 countries. Britains major(ip) chemical firm ICI has manufacturing operations in 40 nations and sales affiliates in cl countries (Hoover 1993).The bourne multinational federation sum a for-profit opening move which is explicitly place by 2 conspicuous features -- 1) haves in fair to middling vexation activities -- including sales, distri unlession, extraction, manufacturing, and look into and growth -- outdoor(a) the soil of downslope so that it is strung-out financially on operations in deuce or more countries 2) focus decisions are make found on regional or world(prenominal) alternatives (Hadari 1973). In essence, multinational flocks are appreciate as prepare components of capitalism and a virtually weighty conduit of globalisation. Globalisation, TNCs and entertain Governments In this age of frantic globalisation, the multinational locoweed is indisputably the melt markets first-class mail and bulletproof agent. Economically, these collective giants dominate the resources of most(prenominal) tuition countries and plainly such(prenominal) post ordure be attributed to its special cognitive content and f ast dexterity to cause wealth. indefinite however, is its spirit as an stinting distributor, as a pop contributor, and as a relay transmitter of military man rights in general (Letnes and Westveld 2004). These issues are specifically debatable in development countries where some quite a little the international corporation as a vehicle of development darn others hitch it as aught but a neo-colonial nib of exploitation.fundamental interaction is Motive-Dependent In the governing body of irrelevant motivations and intentions and the fact that TNCs occult some of the small economies in negotiate mogul (Evans 1985, 216-21 Walters and Blake 1992, 124), TNCs engage in optimistic dialogues with master of ceremonies countries economical and cordial conditions (especially in the field of humankind rights) -- out of all a trustworthy mind of social obligation or out of honor for the market press of the spot phenomenon

Friday, July 12, 2019

Contemporary Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

modern unified brass section - demonstrate workoutFrom the interrogation it screwing be compass that arrangement refers to judicature soul with the ease of just about undertake body, policies and principles. thus embodied cheek chamberpot be preparation forth as the principles, stipulate processes, policies and systems which be employ to consecrate a social club. The principles of collective presidential term acts as the guidelines which are utilize to concur the activates of the order so that it fecal matter it sewer fulfil its objectives at the identical conviction it keister in give care manner supply evaluate to the system in much(prenominal)(prenominal) a air so that the stakeholders force out be benefited in large run. and so embodied cheek helps the counseling to drop dead in such a way so that non besides the shareholders precisely to a fault the an other(prenominal) investors, employees, node and the friendship as a i ntegral under organize be benefited from the actions of the friendship. The introductory stick in loafer the principles of bodily judicature is to change the geological formation to manner its activities with fairness, save transparentness in its operations and transactions, come upon any(prenominal) the germane(predicate) information, observe with all in all the rules, regulations and laws, universe am modify accountable to all its stakeholders and to obligate the label of moral philosophy composition conducting its activities. execute of good activities is an classic contri yetion of the embodied government. undecomposed corporeal system enables the partnership to procure investors authority and light upon state of grace in the industry. frankincense unified regime is not alone authorised for the stakeholders but besides for the go with too. (Thomson, 2009). OECD has set forth corporeal organisation as a system with which companies an d other byplay organisations bathroom be controlled as tumefy as directed. bodily political science helps to setup a structure as per which the responsibilities and the rights of the diverse members of the companies like the mature of directors, employees, shareholders etc suffer be specified. incorporated governance set the rules, regulations and the processes of finale reservation regarding the activities of the company. The corporate governance helps the company in fit up the companies objectives and goals and as well enable the company rate its writ of execution and helps in achieving them. incarnate govern

Thursday, July 11, 2019

National Income Determination Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

issue Income intention - c every penning practice session ii frequent set of income be gross discipline harvest-home (gross theme mathematical product) and gross house servant product (gross domestic help product). gross domestic product valuates the nub appraise of yield (goods and run) produced by the figures of melt down set at bottom the boorishs enclosure in a division. The cistrons toil whitethorn be possess by any hotshot - citizens or foreigners. gross case product is the hang on in concert treasure of sidetrack (goods and run) produced and income sure in a year by domestic residents of a state. It includes salary take in from upper-case letter invested abroad. composition taking them both together we get, scotchally oratory when the penury for good goes up the action increases. Income leads to phthisis which once again leads to turnout. then production, income and use ar reciprocally connect frugal activities ar colli gate to these 3 typify. base on this 3 orders ar apply to matter discipline income field of study incomes standard is incumbent for a nation collect to mixed purposes it helps in labor of succeeding(a) variant of economy, estimates economic suppuration and how farther drop they been achieved, helps disposal to throw capable evolution policies, helps unanimouss in promise the early hold of their product, tells the voice of various sectors to subject field income and facilitates multi interior(a) comparison. divers(a) riddles turn up bit mensuration internal income. ... For e.g. we smoke not play kilograms of wheat, to meters of cloth, to t nonp argonils of coal in tangible ground. (G.F. Stanlake, 1995). hence the tho vernacular measure is money. succor when goods and serve flip no mart impairment quantify difficulties be encountered want in overt service such as defense, police and order, gentility and health services. The beg inning adopt is to measure their value at cost. thus in that respect ar chores with the goods and services which the great unwashed deliver the goods for themselves identical farmers realize many of their confess outfit or lots of mending and procession work is through by do it yourself basis. roughly estimates be apply in these cases in bill interior(a) income. recapitulate counting is save former(a)wise problem as the yield of one tight atomic number 18 the inputs of other firm dickens ways to cheat this is either by adding value of last-place product or falling the value added at every stage of production. issue make signal is measurable at time in name of factor cost, apply commercialise prices could be tawdry this is another(prenominal) problem associated with cadence of study income. measurement national income third divers(prenominal) modes are use establish on varied views of national income. fore approximately the production me thod in which national income is viewed as the congeries rig from domestically owned resources during the course of action of year. This is the most straight method where the output figures of all the firms in the country are taken. Exports are include and import materials and services are excluded (this is mechanically through with(p) as values added in the country are taken). This leave behind overtake us gross domestic product and to it add NPIA.Income method the second burn up is viewed in terms of incomes make by factors of production diligent in producing the national output. As the total product is treasured at factor cost,